Sunday 2 September 2012

Top mobile apps for live blogging

| Sunday, September 02, 2012 | |

Live blogs are blogs which provide information on a live event or a show as and when it takes place. Live blogging helps us sharpen our observation skills as we need to have an eye for detail to make the blogs appealing and informative. Mobile apps that support live blogging come in handy when you’re on the move and can’t get your hands on a computer to update your blog. The following are some useful mobile applications:
  • WordPress 
  • iBlogger 
  • BlogPress 
  • Blogger-droid 
  • moBlog 
  • Superious


With this cool app, you can update your blogs, upload photos and comment on blogs with ease. The composing area has an easy-to-use design where you can create links without writing HTML codes. The interface helps you moderate comments quickly and reply to comments easily. Plus, you can also mark your location on the map to make your blogs a bit more interesting. The photos you take get automatically attached to your blogs.


The remarkable feature of this app is that you can add captions to your pictures and include pictures from your Picasa account. What’s more, you can crop and scale your pictures and also choose to upload them without changing the resolution. It can handle any type of resolution that your camera has. Another point that you would love is formatting. You can format your blogs to any extent using iBlogger’s formatting features.


This simple looking app offers more comfort than it seems to. It offers a mixed layout for text and image, which makes your blogs livelier. You can insert pictures from other websites where you have uploaded your photos. Another good point about it is that you can insert videos from YouTube smoothly. You can also post your blogs in multiple platforms at the same time. The collection of about 450 Emoji icons is very helpful to make your blogspleasing to the eye.


It has the same functions as its counterpart, Blogger. This app works great for fun-loving bloggers. You can change the size of the pictures that are inserted and also set the time and date for the blogs to be published. You can also post your blogs in various blogging platforms and access them anytime you want.


This is a handy app for Windows Mobile users. You can save a local copy of your blogs before publishing them and the local copy is deleted automatically once the blog is published. You can also work offline while typing your blog and then go online when you want to publish it. People who own multiple blogs can easily access their blogs in different platforms.


Superious,an app which helps you access and update your Posterous blogs. This app also gives you control on media files that are uploaded by letting you choose the platforms on which you wish to upload your media files. Your posts in Posterous can also be viewed in other social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Picasa, and more.
Make use of these great apps to post your live blogs. It is true that such apps have made blogging irresistible and more fun than in the past. Share your fun-moments virtuallyand add more enjoyment to your life.
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