Thursday 13 September 2012

Can You Trust Old Computers On eBay

| Thursday, September 13, 2012 | |

People today can buy used or old computer models on eBay. Everything from laptops and netbooks to desktops are sold here. Not every computer on eBay is reliable or working. However, there are some great deals on working computers if people know what to look for. Carefully reading product descriptions, researching sellers, and reading return policies ensures that shoppers can find and trust old computers on eBay. The following are some tips for how to buy an old computer on eBay.

Go in with a Plan

People should know the type, random access memory (RAM), processor speed, and brand of a computer they want to buy. This makes it easier to narrow down the choices. eBay is full of old computers for sale. Having a working idea of one’s needs helps users sift through all of the choices. Every brand and type of computer under the sun is sold on this website. It’s easier to browse for great deals on old computers if a specific model is in mind.

Description of the Computers

The description says a lot about computers for sale on eBay. The more detail, the more reliable a seller can be. Quality sellers include information about scratches and cracks on the machine, information about the display (i.e. are there any dead pixels), and content about the machine’s battery life. Buyers should know if the computer comes with any accessories and what operating system and software is installed on the model. If a description is vague or seems too good to be true, it’s time to look for other options. Old computers sold on eBay should have some wear and tear. It is rare that older models are in pristine condition.

Clear Images of the Model

A photograph says a lot about old computers sold on eBay. This image should be sharp and should show the model at different angels. This is a chance for people to see the old computer that is up for sale. Any image that comes from the manufacturer or is dark suggests that the seller is hiding the real model from view.

Warranty and Return Information

Some warranties are transferable. It is important to inquire if a model still has a warranty and what is or is not included. Similarly, buyers should ask about the seller’s return policy. This policy should be clear and specific. Most sellers give people a week from receipt of the model to return an old computer. Shoppers should pay attention to who pays for shipping if a computer is returned.

Look into Shipping Costs

Old computers are usually heavy, which is why buyers should consider shipping costs. An older computer could be sold for a low price only to come with a hefty shipping charge. It’s important to pay attention to the location of the seller and to ask questions about the safety of the model during transport.


Different sellers have different ratings and reviews, .It is important to buy old computers from people who have a solid eBay rating. If previous customers have posted complaints, it might be wise to work with other sellers. People should pay attention to the types of items people sell on eBay. If a red flag appears, it is wise to move on to other listings.

Be on the Alert for Scams

There are scam artists on eBay. Knowing red flags protects buyers from harm. If a seller asks people to send cash or directly wire him or her money, then it could be a scam. Experienced sellers accept payment via PayPal.
Research is important if people want to buy trustworthy old computers on eBay. There are some great models up for sale. Proceeding with caution is smart if customers want to protect themselves. The more a person knows about the model for sale and the seller's history, the better off he or she will be.
Author's Bio: Article written by Jet Russell. Jet is a serial guest blogger and is always contributing with guest blog posts on a variety of topics including things like Internet marketing and computer efficiency and effectiveness.

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