Thursday 27 September 2012

Best Foodies on Twitter

| Thursday, September 27, 2012 | |

cc licensed ( BY NC ND ) flickr photo shared by Jorge Quinteros

  Anyone with anything interesting to say is on Twitter. Unfortunately, there are also too many people on Twitter who don't have anything interesting to say. In order to separate the wheat from the chaff of tweeting foodies, here is a list of the best foodies to follow on Twitter:

People You've Already Heard Of

This is a list of those foodies you already know but for good reason. They can always take the conversation about food someplace new.
  • Jamie Oliver, @jamieoliver, almost 2.5 million followers No foodie or chef has more Twitter followers than Jamie. His feed is a mixture of food and cooking tips, as well as some of his favorite related topics, like eating healthy.
  • Anthony Bourdain, @Bourdain, more than 1 million followers He's as confrontational in 140 characters as he is on television.
  • Bobby Flay, @bflay, more than 616,000 followers This Iron Chef is his own media empire, with multiple television and Internet shows, as well as his regular Twitter feed.
  • Chloe Coscarelli, @ChloeCoscarelli, just over 11,000 followers She's the baby of the bunch, but as a vegan chef who won "Cupcake Wars," she's always got her own perspective.

Food Critics

Those who can't, criticize. However, that doesn't mean they don't have anything valuable to say. Here are some food critics on Twitter who can point you to new places or warn you away.
  • Ruth Reichl, @ruthreichl, more than 170,000 followers She can cook. She's a long time food journalist, including former editor of Gourmet Magazine and restaurant critic of The New York Times.
  • Adam Platt, @plattypants, almost 16,000 followers He's the old school restaurant critic for the New York Magazine who prefers to remain faceless. Fortunately, he can share his thoughts on restaurants and food trends on Twitter.
  • Gael Greene, @gaelgreene, more than 125,000 followers The first foodie has been a restaurant critic in New York City for more than 40 years.
  • Michael Bauer, @michaelbauer1, more than 20,000 If the critic list is too weighted to the east coast, Bauer can even things out. He's the executive food and wine editor for the San Francisco Chronicle, the newspaper in arguably the United State's foodiest city. 

Foodie Magazines 

This is a list of some of the most active foodie magazine Twitter feeds. - Food & Wine Magazine, @fandw, almost half a million followers
  • The Art of Eating, @ArtofEating, more than 16,000 followers - Bon Appetit Magazine, @bonappetit, more than 300,000 followers.
Author's Bio: This article was written by the Lewiston catering experts at Visit to learn more.

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  1. Thanks a lot for this wonderful list and also for including handlers and links.
