Sunday 24 August 2014

Make your Blogger Template load faster

| Sunday, August 24, 2014 | | | | | Be first to comment!

A fast loading website is a good website. In terms of both SEO and user experience. Google PR algorithm take into consideration time spent in downloading a page. Also, the bounce rate, that is, how many users left your blog as soon as they visited, without navigating to another article on your blog.

When, page takes time to load user leave your page. Increasing bounce rate.

minify javascript and css to make website load faster

Minify JS and CSS in Blogger

Minified JS is must. In blogger platform, you have to play with codes to tweak your template's/theme's looks. But even in that case, you'll find yourself playing with HTML and CSS not with JavaScript.

After minifying JS it almost becomes unreadable. Still you don't have to worry about it, because you don't need to read them at all.

NOTE- Online JS Minifier(s) won't compress all of your JS or jQuery codes. Because Blogger replaces some special characters like " into equivalent HTML entity or codes like " which would throw errors like -

Unexpected operator &

If you are non-technical publisher then, all JavaScript are placed in-between script HTML tags.

<script type='text/javascript'>
YOUR JS Codes are placed here
So, now you know where your JS codes are.
  1. Cut all the codes in-between //<![CDATA[ and //]]>.
  2. Use any online JS minifier to generate minified code. 
  3. Copy minified code and paste it from where you took those codes (in-between //<![CDATA[ and //]]>).
There could be jQuery, that won't minify using the above tools. So, leave them for now. A lot of modern templates have JS minified already.

How to know if it is jQuery?

By the time you will minify some JS codes, you will realize that there are no $ signs in simple JavaScript code. In jQuery, the $ if the short hand of jQuery function used to select different tags and attributes from DOM or Document Object Model.

Also, some special characters are converted into equivalent HTML entities, like " sign will be converted into &quot; that's why the online minify tool will show an error.

Optimizing CSS

Similarly, CSS you can aslo minify CSS. There are a number of online tools available. CSS is placed in <style> and </style> tags. But remember when doing so, don't kill the sequence in which they appear.

Normally, I won't do that or else it will become very hard to tweak CSS. Other way round, is to copy your CSS into any file. If, you are not planning to tweak any style codes then feel free to minify CSS.

Optimizing Images in Blogger

Having low size images would help your blog load faster. But reducing the size of images all way down will kill the quality of the image. So, first crop the image and then work on quality reduction. Sometimes, the crop will reduce enough size.

How to know time spent during downloading a page?

time spent in downloading a page blogger
time spent in downloading a page

Google Webmaster tools lets you see the time spent downloading a page. Because you are on Blogger platform, so you will get the webmaster data without even verifying you blog.

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Top things to know when blogging using Blogger

| Wednesday, August 20, 2014 | | | | | Be first to comment!

When it comes to blogging, people get confused about whether to use Blogger or WordPress. Then they go to biased reviews. Some favour Blogger other favour WordPress. Next, when bloggers learn or start learning about SEO they again get stuck whether to take WordPress or blogger.

WordPress maybe great in terms of SEO, but that doesn't mean SEO cannot be achieved by Blogger.

I use Blogger, and implementing SEO could make things go better. The only problem is that you have to jump into some coding.

Top things to know when blogging using Blogger

This is a list of all the article that I have done previously and now you can utilize all of them to be better blogger since day one.
  1. Meta Description Tag - When crawling and indexing, description meta tags are paid attention to, by all major search engines. Description meta tags are used to add small description about your blog post or article. This description maybe used by Google and displayed as excerpt. Meta description for blogger

  2. Custom Permalink - Blogger added this functionality in 2012. Now, users can throw-in a custom URL for each post. Previously URL were made automatically, by taking some words from the post title, which caused keyword loss if title has main keywords as last words of the title. Adding custom permalink

  3. Custom 404 Page - Sometimes you have to remove some article causing users to land on not found error. You can create a custom 404 page with list of your top articles or search bar so that all readers landing on that page won't wander away.

  4. Auto publish your feeds on Twitter - Traffic through social media is important. But to get that traffic you must share your own content online. But lack of time or attention may keep you from doing so. Using a FeedBurner tool that let you auto publish your feeds to twitter, you can check those "Oh! I forgot to tweet".

  5. Auto publish your Facebook page status on Twitter - Bonus point. You already have published you Feed on twitter. But you can tweet same thing a hundred time. Don't make your followers feel spammed. So lets add only one more auto tweet, by tweeting Facebook fan page update to twitter.

  6. Scheduling article - Let's say hypothetically you got a news, that was supposed to get published in tomorrow's news paper. Well, you had your Confidential sources. So, you can type your article today and schedule it to get published when you were fast asleep.
    It's better to be late then never.
    Similarly, you can also post article with past date.

  7. Auto Publish on Google+ - Blogger blog have this build in functionality. As soon as you publish an article on Blogger it gets posted as an update on your Google+ profile or Google+ page. Your call. Go to, Google+ tab in Blogger to set auto publish.


    • Blogger allow users to get a custom domain name and set it very easily. But Blogger does not allow users to publish their blog on naked or non-www version of domain. So, after setting up custom domain you need to redirect from non-www to www version.

    Crawling and Indexing

    When it comes to crawling and indexing, there are some major seach engine you must take care of. On top there is Google, then Bing, Yahoo, Baidu, Yandex, etc.

    So every body knows about Google. So, lets jump to Bing and Yahoo. Working with Bing is divided into 3 steps,
    1. Verification - Before you can do anything you need to tell Bing webmaster that you own the site. Bing Webmaster site verification process takes seconds.

    2. Indexing - To get indexed you are required to submit your sitemap to Bing Webmaster tool. NOTE - Submitting sitemap doesn't mean that you'll get indexed, sitemaps just help search engine in crawling.

    3. SEO Analyzer - A tool offered by Bing Webmaster that gives suggestion about how you can improve your page in terms of SEO.
    You are done with Bing. Now Yahoo, Yahoo uses Bing. So, you are done with Yahoo as soon as you are done with Bing.

    Fun stuff - Access robots.txt file of your blog. Robots.txt is used by robots to determine what should be accessed and what must be left.

    Russian Search Engine Yandex

    Fun thing to do

    1. Just a fun thing to do. When going through other blogs, doesn't matter if they rank higher or lower you might want to know if the website runs on Blogger or on WordPress. There are other platforms too, by the way.


    Publishers who use Blogger use FeedBurner too. FeedBurner allows publishers to collect subscribers or regular reader. Every post that you will publish will get emailed to your subscriber's inbox.
    1. Get More subscribers - To subscribe a user has to input email address into your FeedBurner subscription form. So, place a beautiful FeedBurner subscription form on your blog.

    2. FeedBurner Branding - If you are using custom domain name on you Blogger blog, then you should also brand your feedburner with custom domain name.

    3. Custom new subscriber email - When a user puts email address and hit submit, they are never added to your subscribers list automatically. Instead, they will first receive an email to verify subscription. You can use  FeedBurner customize verification email.

    Create your eBook

      • Create eBook download system with download stats. But don't unnecessarily do it. Don't piss off your loyal readers who are wasting time in downloading your content.

        Let me tell you, the person downloading your eBook is a fan or is in need.

      Ubuntu for Bloggers

      Number of Companies are adopting Ubuntu, and selling laptop units packaged with Ubuntu OS. This one is my personal experience -
      Consumers want Windows OS, so laptop sellers (the middle mens) at store Format new out-of-the-box unit and install pirated version of Windows OS.
      You can track this, if your laptop is running on Windows and Windows sticker is not on your unit. Also, look for Ubuntu sticker on your system's body.

      So, if your system is packed with Ubuntu. There you need to know what apps blogger require on Ubuntu.

          Sunday 17 August 2014

          How to Bring back classic menu on Ubuntu?

          | Sunday, August 17, 2014 | | | Be first to comment!

          Newer versions of Ubuntu have perfectly handled the application search and access. Now, you only need to press that super key and type to search. So, the dash is just enough.

          ALSO SEE: Customize Ubuntu for bloggers

          In older versions, applications were accessed from classic menu. Some users still find it better for easily accessing applications and want classic menu back on Ubuntu.

          classic menu on ubuntu 14.04
          Classic Menu on Ubuntu 14.04
          Using the above is completely user's choice some find it better others find it of no use. The layout and orientation is different from the original. But if you'll use it you'll get familiar in couple of hours.

          To get Classic Menu-
          1. Go to software center and search for ClassicMenu Indicator, and Install it.

          Friday 15 August 2014

          How to install Sublime Text theme on Netbeans?

          | Friday, August 15, 2014 | | | Be first to comment!

          PHP developers love Sublime Text. I have Sublime Text installed on Ubuntu. But Sublime Text is a text editor with modern features like code completion, syntax highlighting, etc.

          For bigger projects or when you have to meet deadlines, you are required to use some IDE to decrease development time.

          ALSO SEE: Install NetBeans IDE 8.0 on Ubuntu

          sublime text theme for NetBeans IDE
          Import Sublime Text theme

          How to install Sublime Text theme on NetBeans IDE?

          1. Download Sublime Text theme.
          2. Open NetBeans, go to Tools then Options, and then Import.
          3. Browse and select the downloaded .zip file. And hit OK.
          This will force your IDE to restart. After restart your theme will become active.

          NOTE - Systax Highlighting is only applicable for HTML, CSS, XML and PHP codes only.

          How to install NetBeans IDE 8.0 on Ubuntu?

          | Friday, August 15, 2014 | | | Be first to comment!

          NetBeans IDE 7.0.1 is available on Ubuntu's Software Center. But the latest stable version online is 8.0. Also using the method below you are required to get programming language specific bundle only.

          If you are PHP developer, then why would you install IDE for Java or C or C++.

          Installing Netbeans IDE 8.0

          1. Go to NetBeans official website and download the bundle required. There are 5 NetBeans bundle. NetBeans for Java SE, Java EE, C/C++, HTML5 & PHP, All (this package will support all individual bundles).
          2. The file downloaded will have a .sh extension.
          3. You have to make the file executable. To do so follow the steps below-
          • Right click on the file, select Properties.
          • Navigate to Permission Tab.
          • Check Allow executing file as program option.
          Netbeans IDE 8.0 on Ubuntu 14.04
          Making file executable
          NOTE - In the above method, if Group has Read-only permission the above method won't work. As soon as you'll check it, it will automatically get unchecked.

          Using terminal to make file executable

          sudo chmod +x 'path/to/'
          To execute

          sudo bash 'path/to/'

          The program will also search for JVM on your system. It will also automatically install some updates while installing like Symphony framework, etc. I did only PHP bundle installation.

          Monday 11 August 2014

          Android Auto: How Google can make it better?

          | Monday, August 11, 2014 | | Be first to comment!

          The Google I/O last month led to the launch of a range of Android products. The preview of the next version of Android — Android L — was shown off. Also updates to the Google Chromecast were announced along with the introduction of Android TV. Then there’s Android Wear; spawning the next generation of smartwatches. We pretty much knew about most of these before the keynote, except for Android Auto.

          android auto car
          Android Auto
          It’s a fact that people now spend a considerable amount of time in their cars. The car population has been on a rise and can be expected to grow consistently. Android Auto has been introduced by Google to bring the Android experience to the car. What Android Auto does is provide a receiver that will display your Android phone on it. Just like the Chromecast made your TV smarter, Google plans to do the same to your car with Android Auto.

          car enabled with Android Auto dashboard
          Car with Android Auto Dash
          The software for Android Auto will run from the phone and will be displayed on the dashboard of the car. From what Google demoed at the I/O, it is certain that it’ll do navigation, play your music etc. But come to think of it most existing car infotainment systems already do that. The “Ok Google” functionality is new you’d say, well not really. Some car have voice input available but it might not be as good as Google is.

          The point I’m trying to make here is that Android Auto is not doing anything extraordinary compared to what currently exists in the market. I was expecting more from Google, you simple can’t sell a dumb unit with a car that needs a phone to run the whole damn thing. A couple of questions come to mind when I think about this.

          What if I don’t want to connect my phone to the head unit, will it be useless without it?

          Will it play FM Radio or music from a flash drive if I want it to?

          What if I have an Apple iPhone 5s? Do I need to change my buying decision just so that the system is compatible with my phone?
          If you still manage to get the car you want with Android Auto, the experience still could’ve been better. Google has not made any information public about integrated on-board diagnostics, the OBD-II (On Board Diagnostics) port is become standard on all cars since 1996. Google could use it to make Android Auto better. Imagine the experience where the Android Auto console could show details about the car. Diagnose problem on the go and since its connected to your phone anyway maybe send it to the manufacturer. Maybe book an appointment for a maintenance check with a dealer. The possibilities are endless, these updates might come in later after a while who knows.

          Android auto forming alliance with automobile companies
          Android Auto Alliance
          Google has a good concept in hand and the list of manufacturers in the Automotive Alliance is impressive. There are also aftermarket system providers who are part of the Alliance so you expect some Android Auto enabled head units finding their way in older cars.

          Author Bio: Aditya Shenoy, Associate Editor at
          A management graduate, passionate about gadgets and automobiles. Likes to be up to date about the latest things in the tech industry. An avid Android user who Lives to Drive. Follow me on twitter @adishenoy.

          Saturday 9 August 2014

          How to install JDK 8 on Ubuntu?

          | Saturday, August 09, 2014 | | | Be first to comment!

          install JDK 8 on Ubuntu
          JDK 8 on Ubuntu
          When setting up JDK 8 or any other version in Windows platform you are required to set PATH environment variable manually. In case of Ubuntu, you can skip that step and everything will work jut fine.

          Install JDK 8

          Oracle JDK 8 stable version was released on 18th of March, 2014.

          $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
          $ sudo apt-get update
          $ sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer

          Check Java Version

          To check the version of Java. just check the version of java tool. To get a complete set of options just type java in terminal and hit enter.

          $ java -version

          java version "1.8.0_11"
          Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_11-b12)
          Java Hotspot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.11-b03, mixed mode)

          Check Javac tool version

          $ javac -version
          javac 1.8.0_11

          How to switch to JDK 7?

          $ sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-7-oracle
          To switch back to JDK8,
          $ sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-8-oracle

          What if OpenJDK is also installed?

          No, need to worry. After installing JDK 8 via ppa, it will get set as default. But, if openJDK is installed then, while trying to switch back to JDK 7, the above command will not work.

          Make your email, website, blogs, twitter public on Facebook

          | Saturday, August 09, 2014 | | Be first to comment!

          Fans, users, new customer, etc want to contact you. Some users have their contact on business cards or on their websites, but not all.

          A lot of users, pick emails and other data from Facebook profile. Just to keep an option open. Moreover, you can control which email to show to which user. This will help you, and you won't get work related emails on your personal email account and vice versa.

          You can also select which email to put on your timeline.

          How to make your social profile and email public?

          1. Go to your Profile.
          2. Navigate to About tab, then to Contact and Basic Info.
          3. Hit edit button in Email, Website, Screen Names.
          4. In Email, you should add all of your email contacts. But visibility of each email can be altered individualy. Furthermore, in email you can choose whether to show emails on Facebook timeline or not.
          make social profile visible on Facebook
          Make social profiles visible on Facebook

          You have any story to share like your YouTube video or channel, gadget, Windows, Mac or Ubuntu app. Use contact form to submit the link or any description.

          Tuesday 5 August 2014

          How to record better quality sound without buying expensive microphones?

          | Tuesday, August 05, 2014 | | Be first to comment!

          Screencast are broken into modules. Improve each module and you'll get high quality screencast video.

          These modules are-
          1. Video
          2. Audio
          Record better quality sound for screencast
          To record screencast a number of screencast software are available, like Camtasia, Kazam for Linux, etc.

          These will help you in creating HD video in various format like avi, mp4, etc.

          When it comes to recording sound you need a microphone. Inbuilt microphones of laptops, they pick up vibrations from system's fan and also from table, etc.

          How to record better quality audio?
          Use your phone. Android users,
          1. Open Sound Recorder.
          2. From menu select Voice Quality.
          3. Select High.

          Just an experiment, play any song on loud speaker and record in High, Mid and Low voice quality. Now, playback the recorded sound to notice the difference.

          After recording, open the file with audio editing software like Audacity to make any necessary changes. One of the main edits will include noise reduction. Now, export the sound in format like mp3, etc. Use this exported audio in your video maker.

          Noise reduction is a little bit challenging because noise may vary according to your location and conditions. There are different type of noise.

          The above video will explain you the concept. Rest is practise. Now, get ready for better quality screencast.

          One more tip, before making screencast longer than 30 seconds, first create a word document and write whatever you have to speak. Then use a parallel screen or printout this will make video shorter.

          Monday 4 August 2014

          Top applications to install on Ubuntu for Bloggers

          | Monday, August 04, 2014 | | 1 Comment so far

          Ubuntu is the third most used Operating System. Ubuntu is fast and secure and is backed up by a lot of free software.

          For blogging, there are some features and applications that are must. So, here is a list of all.

          ubuntu for bloggers
          Ubuntu for Bloggers

          Top Applications to install on Ubuntu

          Note taking Application - Springseed

          On windows and other platforms like Android, people use applications like Evernote. Evernote is a powerful note taking application. Unfortunately, Evernote is not available for Ubuntu.

          note taking application springseed for ubuntu or Linux

          Therefore, we need to switch to other note taking apps. Springseed is best for blogger. Springseed has a very clean and simple UI.

          Other app like NixNote is also available, and NixNote/NeverNote uses Evernote's server to store data. So, you can access you notes from anywhere.

          Sticky Notes - Xpad

          Windows provide Sticky Note for making small notes and stick them to your system's desktop just like your refrigerator. Xpad is just like Window's sticky note app.

          Create notes, change color of each note. Type in whatever is important and close it without saving your content manually.

          Social Networking clients - Turpial and Empathy

          Social Networking is very important for driving traffic to your blog. Creating and maintaining connections. Friends are not interested in your work, but other bloggers from around the globe are.

          Turpial, is a Twitter client. This client will provide all basic feature to maintain a twitter account on the go. You can create columns of whatever is most important to you like your Twitter timeline or maybe mentions.

          twitter client for Ubuntu Turpial
          Twitter Client for Ubuntu - Turpial

          You can update status on the go without even launching the app. Turpial get integrated with Ubuntu. You can set your own refresh time after with app will fetch new updates rather than getting instant updates. You'll get disturbed once.

          Status update will allow you to put permalinks, images, etc. Send direct messages.

          Image editing software - GIMP Image Editor

          Images adds look and feel to a blog post. Also, meta tags in images are used to provide better SEO to an article.

          Images have to look good great and professional blogger even use royalty free Stock images. But, having control over the size of images are of great concern.

          Vector Editor - Inkscape

          Vector Editors are hard to use. You need to have good practise. But creating great illustrations can be done using Vector Graphic software.

          Browser - Firefox and Chrome

          Firefox is default web browser but some user are comfortable only with Chrome web browsers. Such users can download and install Chromium web browser available for Linux disro. Available in Ubuntu's Software Center.

          Chrome browser goes with the name of Chromium in penguin's world.

          Email Client - ThunderBird

          ThunderBird is default email client on Ubuntu. Again, there are other alternatives but not very good. ThunderBird got privileged by being a part of the Operating System. It can be customized with rich add-ons.

          ScreenShot and Screencast - Kazam

          Screenshot, is an inbuilt screenshot taking app.

          To create screencast, apps need to be installed. Again, there are a number of applications available. Kazam Screencast app is one of the best. Light weight, fast, and will help you in recording low size HD screencast. You can change FPS (frames per second) from preferences. FPS can be made to vary from 1 to 60 fps.

          WEBM, MP4 and AVI format videos can be created. You can also record sound from speakers(song playing on your system will get recorded) or microphones.

          Kazam also has an option to take screenshot.

          Saturday 2 August 2014

          How to install Sublime Text in Ubuntu?

          | Saturday, August 02, 2014 | | Be first to comment!

          Sublime Text in loved most among PHP programmers. Sublime Text is a cross platform text and source code editor. Sublime text is not available from Software Center.

          It is not an IDE or Integrated Development Environment. But provides some features like code highlighting, auto code completion, multiple selections, split editing, distraction free mode, etc.

          Install Sublime Text on Ubuntu
          Sublime Text on Ubuntu

          How to install Sublime Text on Ubuntu?

          1. Go to Sublime text official website, and select to download Sublime Text 3 Beta release.
          2. From beta version page download 32 bit or 64 bit version. From here you will get a file with .deb extension. Don't download the one with .tar.bz2 extension.
          3. Now, double click on the file. It will get opened in software center, and will install.
          NOTE- If you'll download file with .tar.bz2  extension. You're required to extract the file and then double click the executable file again and again to run Sublime Text.
          Also, it won't get installed on your system, and you cannot search Sublime Text from Search bar.