Sunday 30 September 2012

Facebook app- Chat upgrade

| Sunday, September 30, 2012 | |

Facebook's latest app version for Android got an excellent chat upgrade. Unlike the last version, where you have to navigate to chat using the menu, the new version has a docked chat tab.

Android application undergo a number of upgrades. These upgrades range from minor to major bug fixes, better functionality, interface changes. If you have used android then you do know that having a phone with all applications up to date is a hard task. Even I ignore a number of upgrades.

But this app upgrade is worth updating. The list of contact shown can be edited as per your like using the 'edit' button. You can use edit button to pin the friends you chat to most. After pining them to your list of favorites, you can rearrange them very easily. All you need to do is tap, hold and swap just like you arrange your playlist in music player.

If you haven't upgraded to this newer version. It's perfect time to do.

The chat window interface also got an update. The team has added bubble chat interface which makes messages much more easily readable. You can also jump to the mini profile of the person on other side. Where you can get to know all the information that the user has made public. This jump is made using info button on the top right corner.

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