Friday 23 August 2013

How to move conversations to Primary,Social, Promotions in Gmail?

| Friday, August 23, 2013 | | Be first to comment!

In a previous article I shared news about the new Gmail inbox update [official video], and how to get it. In the new Gmail inbox all the mails are categorized under a maximum of five categories namely, Primary, Social, Promotions and Forums.

Because of automatic categorization it is quite likely to have your important newsletter or mails to get shifted under the category of less important mails. In such cases, you are required to move the mail or mails to the appropriate category.

How to move emails from one category to another?

  1. Log-in into your Gmail account.
  2. Switch to the tab were you have received any email that according to you belongs to another category.
  3. Click and hold that mail, and drag and drop it to the appropriate category.
  4. After doing, so you will be asked to put that single conversation into your chosen category or place all the mails received from that mail address.
Another way, to do so is by right clicking on the emails and then selecting the appropriate category from "Move to tab" option.

move mails from primary to social, one category to another
Move mails from one category to another
The above image makes it all very clear, just in case any body have any problem.

move all emails to another category
Move all mails to other category

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Effect of latest Google Panda Update - A Complete Overview

| Tuesday, August 20, 2013 | | Be first to comment!

The latest Google panda is the recent update to Google’s search engine algorithm. Subject to controversies and havoc, the recent Panda, or ‘Farmer’, has produced some unexpected and interesting results in the in Search Engines Results Pages (SERPS). 

What is the purpose of Panda?

The recent Google Panda has been rolled out by Google to eliminate the ‘low quality’ content and to get rid of all those spammy contents seeking rank in the search engines. This can be viewed as an effort by Google to eliminate all those results which are not useful and relevant. The sites like Mahalo, Wisegeek, Ezine articles and a large number of other websites have been affected by the latest Panda update. 

Effect of the latest Google panda update:

  • The main reason for Google, launching such update is to punish the sites which publish content only for attracting traffic from the search engines. They are least bothered about the quality of content when they are getting the needed traffic from it and this in turn is depriving the readers of useful and quality content. People always look for real, useful and quality content and Google’s Panda update is aimed at doing just that, which means delivering us which we desire. Therefore, after the latest Panda update, the websites need to be more careful of the things they publish and it has to be unique, original and useful to people and not just for sucking-up to search engines.
  • The newest Panda update that was released on July 18th, 2013 is more finely targeted and incorporates new signals. In other way, this newer update should help those sites which were the sufferer of original Panda update. The Panda which will be updated on a monthly basis over a period of ten days has been rolled out to soften the impact it brings on the webmasters.
  • As per the last update Google is finding ways to soften the impact by considering some other quality metrics so that those sites in the ‘border’ or ‘grey area’ are saved from being impacted by Panda algorithm. After this update, significant variations in search key phrases have been observed by those who monitor it actively. As an instance, a site ranking for a definite keyword phrase, vanish hours later and then come back with a large change or comparatively in the similar position.
  • According to Google, as stated previously, they are intended to provide more prominence to the authority sites in search results. This means this update is also brought to determine authority sites versus simply spam sites. This update is specifically defining what should be considered an authority site and what shouldn't be.
  • It was mainly the informational sites which were affected by the recent Panda update; while song lyric sites containing thin content and heavy advertisements were affected in SEO visibility, Informational sites with rich content and little advertisement performed well. 
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It is true that Panda has killed many blogs and is going to catch all those blogs which generate low quality contents and low back-links or those copycat websites. At the same time, it is also the fact that while in some cases it destroys your blog rank, for others it aids in increasing the rank provided you have unique and high quality contents and use white seo and social media. The latest Google Panda has less of an impact than those from previous updates. The Panda update is going to result in more fluctuations in search results and Google is going to tweak the algorithm accordingly. 

To deal with the latest Google updates what you need to do is enabling Google Authorship and focus on quality staying within the guidelines set by Google.
Author's Bio: Kevin Cull takes immense interest in internet marketing and the various techniques involved in it. In his leisure time he writes blogs on search engine optimisation and its new trends.

Saturday 17 August 2013

See your WiFi password from connected Windows 8 PC

| Saturday, August 17, 2013 | | Be first to comment!

It is not any uncommon condition, that you want to connect your device, like PC or smartphones or tablets. Or your friend wants to connect using your WiFi. But after prolonged usage, it is very likely that you forget your password.

access your wifi passwords
View connection properties

WiFi password

WiFi passwords are stored on your system. And can be accessed very easily.
To access-
  1. Open Networks using your Network or internet connection icon in your tray.
  2. Right click on your WiFi network.
  3. Select View connection properties.
  4. Check Show characters to see your password in characters.
networks properties windows 8
Wireless networks properties

Now, you have your password. And if you have access to your friends already connected Windows PC or your Windows PC is with someone else. He/she can access your WiFi password.

Tuesday 13 August 2013

The best way to re-size screenshots

| Tuesday, August 13, 2013 | | Be first to comment!

Image re-size options are always given in any of the blogging platform, Blogger, WordPress, etc. But sometimes your image is a bit larger than the content area and thus your are required to opt for a smaller size, so that your image can be displayed without overflowing the posts display ares. 

These re-sizes done by the blogging platform only changes the HTML markup of the of the image. These re-sizes can render the text in the screen shot blurred a bit, makes the text a bit harder to eyes, making it look like it is low quality image. And thus, your overall visual quality suffers.

Apps to take screen shots

Some of the apps that can be used are, Windows Snipping Tool, the best part about snipping tool is that the produced image is very low in size without a great harm to the quality of text in the screen shot. 

ALSO SEE: Do conversions using Google Converter
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Other software include, ScreenGrab and Greenshot (I recommend green shot as it is packaged with a very lightweight editor with some options like obfuscate, which is best for pixelating confidential information in the screenshot like email, credit card number, etc.)

How to re-size your screenshots ?

These are a series of steps that include cutting off the white-spaces from the images, and thus creating more of area to crop off. This is not applicable for full screen screenshots.

As I mentioned it is all about, curtailing off white-spaces that is removing the part of screen shots that have no content or content that can be ignored.

For this tutorial I will use Paint .NET. You can use other as long as they have some common functionality.

best way to resize image
Original Screen shot but it is 981px in width
Now, no text in the image is visible, my aim is to re-size it down to less than 700px.

Re-sizing screenshot

  1. Open the image in Paint .NET.
  2. You are required to use only three tools, Rectangle Select (shortcut key S), Lasso Select (shortcut key S twice if on any tool except rectangle select), Move selected Pixels (shortcut key M).
final resized image
Final Result Rendered 622 px wide from 981px
As you can see all the white-space is gone, and some not very important components have been cropped off.

area to be removed
Original with highlighted area to be removed
What is removed-
  1. Information is parenthesis, erased using eraser.
  2. "Add Site" button removed using eraser.
  3. White-space between "Your Sites" column and the vertical divider removed using rectangular selection and move selected pixels.
blogger resize screen shots
Selecting and moving pixels

Another way of resizing screen shot

All new sites are designed using the responsive css. So, all you need is to resize your browsers size, and then site take screen shot.

Wednesday 7 August 2013

Get Despicable Me 2 and Pandi stickers for Facebook Chat

| Wednesday, August 07, 2013 | | Be first to comment!

Facebook smiley were used every where in almost every chat. Smiley sometimes, act as mood changer and help you express yourself or your moment in a better way.

get despicable me 2 stickers for Facebook chat
Stickers Store Facebook
Facebook now allows you to make your chat more expressible with your favorite animation movie and cartoon characters. You get to select from a bunch of menu. The available options include, Despicable Me 2, Snoopy, Finch (are a better version of the old smiley), etc. All these will help you make your chat more happening.

The only problem is that, unlike the regular smiley you don't have any simple code to write like :), :D, etc. And as soon as you click on any of the sticker they get posted, it is your choice to place your message first or your sticker first.

By default you will have only the regular smiley and Meep stickers you need to add the rest using the Stickers Store. With Meep (better version of the classic smiley package) you will use the classic smiley only when putting then using the expressions like the above :D, :), :(, etc.

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Do conversions using Google Convertor

| Tuesday, August 06, 2013 | | Be first to comment!

Doing different conversions are a part of daily usage of many people online or offline. Using phone or smartphone applications are the newer version of accomplishing such tasks but not everybody is interested in downloading and installing apps for doing some conversion for once in a month, sometimes frequency is greater.

With Google you can do a number of conversions. Though this feature has been around from a long time but a lot still don't know these functionality.  The available options are-
  1. Temperature,
  2. Length,
  3. Mass,
  4. Speed,
  5. Volume,
  6. Area,
  7. Fuel Consumption,
  8. Time, and
  9. Digital Storage
Conversion can be done simply by typing in the search bar. For example, if you want to convert a value from Kilobit (Kb) to bytes, then simple type "800 Kb in bytes", as simple as that.

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unit conversion using google
Converting using Google

Currency Conversion

Currency conversions are also possible but they come under the finance part of the Google, and are unavailable on the conversion widget displayed above. The reason is that the conversions listed above are fixed unit conversion whereas the currency conversions are not fixed they tend to change on daily basis. Therefore they can't be placed with the regular unit conversion widget.

Google currency converter
Currency Conversions using Google
Currency can be converted similarly as the unit conversions using the same simple process of typing as a string or sentence. Another example, to convert pound to dollar type in "1 pound in dollars".

Sunday 4 August 2013

Facebook new Insight for fan page

| Sunday, August 04, 2013 | | Be first to comment!

With every fan page you create on Facebook, you get an admin panel and an insight page too. The insight page lets you have a full detailed analytic data regarding your Facebook page. 

It allows you to track every instance (free or paid), to be tacked down. You each and every posts, you can track reach, posts clicks and likes and comment in details with numeric count and charts.
New Facebook insights for fan pages
Click to enlarge: Recent posts reach & engagement details

This interface is still available in beta phase and it is required that you must be using Facebook as "you" not as your page.

Get New insight

  1. To get the new insight, now.
  2. Log-in into your Facebook account.
  3. Switch to use Facebook as your page.
  4. Now, navigate to Home using the head "Home" menu.
  5. Select "Insights" from the Favorites.
  6. Now you will get a "Try New Insight" button.
  7. Right click and copy the link, you can directly click too but it will show you a message saying you are required to use Facebook as you not your page. And you will have a button saying "Continue as [your name]" but it may not work.
  8. So, copy the link, and then switch back to you.
  9. Now, paste the address in your browsers address bar.
This is required to be done once then you will be redirected to the new insights whenever you will try to access the insights.

Insight option appears on your page
Now, you will get message like the above on your page you don't even require, to switch to use Facebook as your page.

total likes as per each day on Facebook
Total Page likes on each date
The new insight is divided into four main parts namely, Overview, Page, Posts, People. With the new insight you can track when your page loosed a fan or your page was in a way un-liked or disliked. This was not possible before.

You can also track-

Users landing on your page from outside Facebook.
Pages and Tab visits
Posts by other, offers purchased from your page
This one is best, when your Facebook fans are online. This helps you know what is the best times to publish a post an it will reach the maximum number of your fans.
Track by demographics and gender.
Viewers were fans or not.