Wednesday 29 February 2012

url shortner

| Wednesday, February 29, 2012 | |

On many websites, like twitter, 160by2, way2sms. You have a character limit of round 'bout 160 characters per message or tweet. In here if you want to send a link with a message, the character lengths exceeds 160 and makes you unable to send the message and link together.
For this here's a solution.

shortened url
You can get you large url shotened to 'bout this much. There are sites that provide you with facility to shorten your url, they are-
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  1. URL shortner which mentioned in
    this post are really great to convert your big URL into short version. I mostly
    use Tinyurl and Google URL shortener. They both are awesome.

  2. Shubhashish Shukla18 August 2012 at 10:45

    With Google url shortner you can track clicks too.
