Thursday 14 February 2013

Blogger Image upload limit: 1Gb Myth

| Thursday, February 14, 2013 | |

The number of publishers using Blogger platform to blog is not very clear. But it is true that there are several millions.

Where Blogger images are stored?

Quit simple, if you have googled it you know that all the images that you upload on Blogger are stored as albums in Picasa Web Album.

Along with this, maximum bloggers claim that Picasa allows a space limit of 1Gb, which is true. According to this, you are not liable to upload images to your blogger blog, once you have used 1Gb.

1Gb Myth?

Your uploads are not counted, when they are made by other Google services like Google+, Google Maps and Blogger. Though, you blogger uploads are there in Picasa but they are not counted.
blogger upload limit

Then, how much is the limit?

As per Google forums, all these images upload are counted against your Google Drive space, which is 5Gb (free account). 5Gb is quite a lot of space to upload images but in case you are able to fill up all of it then you can upgrade your Google Drive. Upgrades are priced at $2.49/month for 25Gb upgrade, $4.99/month for 100Gb and so on upto 16Tb priced at $799.99/month
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  1. Hi Shubhashish Shukla, it is me again. Just want to agree with what you have said. Most of the image we use in blogger are stored at Google Drive and it was a very good services of Google.

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