Tuesday 24 July 2012

Small Business Marketing: Why a Facebook Page is Better than a Website

| Tuesday, July 24, 2012 | |

Launching a small business is often very costly. There are so many things to invest in before your business can really take off and start making a profit. Lots of entrepreneurs spend a chunk of their budget securing a domain name and designing their company website – this can cost thousands of dollars, especially if you want it to look as professional as possible. 
You want to save money so you can make more money, and there is a better way to secure an online presence for your company. It’s called Facebook. Perhaps you've heard of it? Your business’s Facebook page will be more beneficial to you in many ways. Here’s a look at why it’s better than your website.


As I just mentioned above, it can cost thousands of dollars to buy the domain name you want, pay for hosting, and pay a designer to create an awesome website. How much does it cost to start and run a Facebook page? Nothing. Especially when you’re just starting out, free advertising is something you literally can’t afford to turn down. And just because it’s free doesn't mean it’s cheap – your Facebook page can get your business just as much exposure as a website can, and maybe even more.


Not everyone uses Facebook, it’s true. But there’s a good chance more people will see your Facebook page than your website. This is because of the social aspect of it all. When someone “likes” your page, all of their friends (the average Facebook user has 120 friends) will know it. If someone checks out and enjoys your website, they’re probably not going to tell anyone. 

Ease of Use

If you don’t know HTML and CSS, it’s going to be hard to design your own website. Even then, you have unlimited options for design, which can be very daunting if you’re not exactly sure what you’re doing. It might take some practice to get used to a Facebook page, but it’s a hell of a lot easier than a website. It’s perfect for small business owners who aren't the most tech-savvy. Facebook gives you a lot of options so you can personalize your page, but the relatively limited potential is a great safety net. It gives you an easy starting point, and you can always jump into the deep end with a website as your business grows and you gain more online marketing experience.

Social Connectivity

The same social connectivity that will help you get more exposure can benefit your business in many other ways that a website can’t. You have a direct link between you and your Facebook fans, which will make it easier to communicate with them. You’re more likely to get feedback, as well as learn about your customers’ likes and dislikes. You can even connect with other local small businesses and establish a relationships if they’re mutually beneficial. People will be more active on your Facebook page than your website, and that engagement is what is so crucial to successful online marketing.

Author's Bio: Charlie Adams is a tech guru and entrepreneur who loves to write about the benefits of social media for businesses.

Photo Credit: farooq.aries
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