Wednesday 2 July 2014

Android L - Google I/O 2014 Keynote - Brief Introduction

| Wednesday, July 02, 2014 | | |

Next version of Android OS is ready to be launched later this autumn, and will bring to users a lot of better features.

According to Google I/O 2014 - Keynote Android L will have more than 5000 API. Newer libraries for developers. One of the key feature in new UI (user interface) will be animation. New buttons and taps will provide active feedback. For example, ripple on touches/taps.

A single application design will update according to the screen size (watch, smartphone, tablet, etc.). Typography and grid is changed to make text look a lot more clean. A library named "Polymer" will take web experience to a whole new level, with animation running at 60fps.

Users can now access all notifications from the lock screen. The notifications will be prioritized to give users the most relevant and useful notifications.

For developers, the Preview version of Android L is available from June 26th. Full version will be available to users later this year in autumn.

Google's first priority has always been its users or consumers. So, Android L is made to evolve in accordance to human needs. When using any Android smartphones, the first thing a user wants is to get fast notification of everything. Smartphones have redefined online social life. Android L will take it to a step further with even better innovations.

On developers side, Android L will have a depth specification. This will allow developers to arrange elements, and elements will virtually cast shadows in real time.

A new library named, Pallets will automatically extract colors from images to display on the applications. Developers can now customize entry and exit animation.

Watch full details on Google I/O 2014 Keynote.

Author's Bio: Shubhashish Shukla (follow him) is the person behind Sector Techno (twitter, facebook), a technology blog. An always learning web developer.

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  1. ""Matterial design is the key innovation in Android L""

  2. WaOo i m too excited can't wait anymore.... 😊

  3. The animation icons will give life to all the applications.

  4. Yeh i know
