Saturday 16 June 2012

What Upgrade blogger needs

| Saturday, June 16, 2012 | |

I have been using blogger for a while now. But something really disappoints me and several other users. The story goes like people start their blogs on blogger with a domain and as time passes and the blog moves to success the blog is moved to other CMS like WordPress, drupal, jumla, etc.
I always want to stick to Blogger but some things make me feel to move one day. What blogger's team must do to keep all the users like me on Blogger.

1. Standalone pages

Standalone pages must feature more options, like letting the users to remove the sidebar from every page or selected page. In pages like guest post and contact form do not require you to have a sidebar. They must look clear and free from almost everything. This thing is required most while building a homepage that features maximum content, with or without category. If non HTML user wants to add related widget option. He may go with any tutorials on web. I added LinkWithin. But there is a major problem faced. This related post widget gets added even on the homepage. This makes the home page congested and unnecessarily heavy.
Moreover, this will help a user to have different adsense placements to get higher revenue. 
Layout button- This will take the user to layout of the page where he can remove the unnecessary things from his template, like a sharebar from contact form.
Upload button- Upload a custom template for a page here.
Sidebar drop down selection- A simple dropdown menu that removes sidebar from the template.

2. Custom template for every page

Now this feature makes me feel high if it is included. Let users add custom template to every page or customize individual pages using the html, bloggers customization option and layout. So there will be simple selection and drag and drop available to every page.
When I compared the lines of code of weblogs running on WordPress to that of blogger, I found there was a drastic difference in the number of codes. One page of WordPress showed 450 line of code while Blogger has 2000+ lines of codes.

3. Home Page

A simple dropdown menu that shows all the pages and the user can select any page and make it his home page.

All these pages can be simple HTML pages not the xml ones. These can be successfully used for special announcements.

4. Add a featured Page owner

Blogger has only two types of blog author. Admin and author, a user is unable to give admin like authorities to somebody else without having the risk to get removed by the one who was given the admin authority.

5. Offline blogging Platform

A downloadable official version of Blogger with which a user can write, preview with the template and save blog post while being completely offline. A synchronization button to make it all go live or save as draft.

6. Custom 404 Error message

A custom 404 error page, which a user can manipulate with images and text. Every blogger has something more than an apology to come up with.

7. Spell Checker

Spell checker is available only in American English though there are a number of users who are Acquainted with British English and they find problems using it.

6. Mobile Template

Blogger has mobile template which makes blogger blog easily accessible on smartphones and tablets. Well with mobile templates on your blog looks more like an app which is great features. But there are no menus to navigate. Only blog content is accessible, no access to standalone pages. It would be a lot better if custom mobile template can be uploaded. Recently launched Dynamic View for mobile is a better concept, but custom means pro.
Custom mobile templates will also help user place ads on a better place, which will be profitable to user as well as Google. Currently ad only appears on top.

7. Feeds

Blogger provides feed option, which can be selected from none, short, until jump break, Full and custom. But still there can be a problem for heavy bloggers or multi-author blogs. The feed generated from these blogs reaches to the subscriber everyday. It is not bad but is like flooding. So, an option must be there which lets a blogger select feed delivery from daily to monthly.

I and many other users want to stick to Blogger. Creating best CMS platform is not only about giving the best, it’s about giving every possible freedom to the user.
If you have something that Blogger needs to add then please comment.

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  1. Yes! This is exactly where Blogger lacks. It must have these upgrades.

  2. Same opinion here too, Custom pages require to have a different look and hence they require a custom template.

  3. The page layout and description given is excellent. The concept is simple but truly amazing.

  4. Hey thanks a lot for sharing such a wonderful information. I am doing wordpress blog customization and your given information will help me a lot..Thank You
