Monday 7 May 2012

Promoting A Social Media Friendly Blog

| Monday, May 07, 2012 | |

A blog is a great way to connect directly with people in your area of interest. A tremendous number of blogs are all reaching for the attention of their potential audience. Some latch on to their readers and hold them while others drift away. There are some qualities that several successful blogs all incorporate into their approach. A blog that is aimed towards facilitating social media in it's approach is going to generate much greater interest thanks to shares and likes. 

Produce Quality Content To Build An Audience

There is no more important facet of any media than its quality. A blog post that is poorly written or uninformed is just going to sit idle. No one wants to waste their time with pointless junk text. Would you share an article that said nothing worthwhile with your friends? Probably not. Create an engaging, informative text that will actually teach the reader something about the subject matter. If you can include a few little factoids that may not be common knowledge, it is a great way to really hook in an interested reader. Though a bit cliché, numbered lists are very popular with readers. Remember- on the internet, content is king!

Maintaining Your Blog's Audience

The most efficient way to lose followers is to not provide consistent updates. A blogger that is serious about promotion must be a regular contributor to their own blog. A consistent day to publish a blog post will give your readers something to look forward to for that day. Continue to deliver high quality content with consistency and your blog will attract the attention it deserves.

Embrace Social Media Platforms To Spread The Word

Regardless of the blog platform that you choose, be certain it incorporates sharing functions with the major social media networks. It should be very easy for a person to pass along your posts. The harder it is to pass on, the more likely it is that the visitor will not bother. The buttons should be in a very visible location so the reader can find them with ease. An effective layout is to run the buttons along the top of the post or even in a column down the right side of the page. Be certain to include these buttons in your “About Me” section and the primary hub of your blog.

Utilize RSS To Bring Your Content To Your Audience Faster

A number of users read their content through applications such as Google Reader. By offering an RSS feed of your posts, these subscribers will always be delivered your content in an efficient way. The blogging platform you choose should provide the information you need to get an RSS feed set up.

Network Within Your Content Niche

Generating new audience members for your blog is a fairly constant process. A great way to branch out is to take the time to read other blogs in your niche and provide worthwhile comments on them. This will help spark interest in your website, blog, and what you have to say. It is very important to not treat this as solely a marketing activity. The blogger that only visits once in awhile or tries to promote their work on other blogs is likely to get banned straight away. Most user settings will allow you to link to your website or blog in your user information. Demonstrate you have something worthwhile to talk about and the interest will follow.

Whatever approach you take to your blog promotion and social media efforts, have fun with it! The people on the other end will be able to tell just how passionate you are about your subject matter or whether it is an annoyance. Stay excited about your content and let that passion carry to your readers.

Jeff is a passionate blogger and well-known Internet marketing consultant. He often writes about SEO and blogging and shares his knowledge with others. Also, Jeff is a SEO consultant for Samuelson Hause Samuelson LLP.
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