Friday 28 March 2014

Write Better Copies for SEO by Using These Seven Tips

| Friday, March 28, 2014 | | Be first to comment!

Copy writing is the very core of search engine optimization. This is due to the fact that Google, Firefox and other search engines utilized several updates that gives weight to quality original articles. Thus, a web master or blogger should know how to deliver the best copies he/she can give in order to excel in today's SERPs.Of course, knowing that you need to write quality copies and actually doing them are two different things. The following are seven easy to apply tips on how to do the latter. Make use of them and you will surely improve your rankings in the future.

Think about your site's niche

What does your site aim to achieve? Is your blog/page focused on discussing the newest trends on the Internet or are you out there to inform everybody about several government conspiracies? Ponder about your goal and always go back there because it's going to be the very thing that holds your site together.Of course, there could be times when straying from your path is good. It's good to break the monotony every now and then. Still, you must never forget your roots for it's going to determine the very identity of your site.

Focus on your strengths as a writer

Do you write things on a personal level or are you more of the "facts first" girl/guy? Can you use hifalutin words without confusing your readers or is it better if you just keep thing as simple as possible? Have a little self-check and know what sets you apart from other writers. Concentrate on your strengths without forgetting to improve your flaws in order to achieve your desired results.

Do some keyword research

Write your article with the appropriate keywords. Keywords are the terms used by web readers in order to search for a specific topic. Thus, having them in your article heightens the chances of your work appearing on various SERPs.Of course, you also have to be mindful about the quality of your work. Stuffing too much keywords in your copy will be counterproductive to what its trying to achieve. Use keywords moderately and see to it that everything comes in perfect unison.

Reiterate important statements

Always put reiteration on notable statements that you wish to be remembered by your readers. It's more likely that your readers will forget the entirety of your work. You lessen the chances of that happening by placing emphasis on key ideas. A good technique in doing this is by playing with the fonts of notable phrases.

Write your content wholeheartedly

Don't underestimate the power of sincerity when writing your copy. Your readers won't enjoy digesting something you never liked doing yourself. If you truly want your audience to be entertained with the content you've made then see to it that you've had fun while doing it.

Polish your work via proofreading

This is one of the most important tips in this list. Seemingly simple grammatical errors could turn off your beloved web readers. It is your duty as a writer to see to it that anything you post adheres to today's standards of grammar. Proofreading takes out the little chinks in your armors which eventually translates to better reception of your work.

Entertain criticism

Avoid getting pissed off when you received criticism. You will never be able to make everyone happy with just one or two articles, regardless of how much effort you've placed into them. The only way you'll be able to improve your craft is by listening to your reader's comments. Be open-minded and hear out those suggestions whenever you can.

The art of copy writing for SEO purposes can't be learned within a span of a day. Heck, you'll be considered lucky if you managed to be decent with it in a week's time. Practice and patience is a must. Steel yourself, do your best and good results will surface themselves eventually.

Author's Bio: Katherine Smithson is a budding copywriter who is trying to pave her way through theblogging realm.Through, she is currently venturing modern writing and blogging in different websites in hopes that someday she'll be able to make a name in the industry of blogging and writing per se.

Friday 14 March 2014

How to add Google Analytics to WordPress?

| Friday, March 14, 2014 | | | | 3 Comments so far

Google Analytics is used to track the traffic data received on a website or a blog. You as a webmaster can use that data to analyze your visitors or audience. And implement the perfect or more accurate marketing strategies.

How to add Google Analytics to WordPress?

Users rely on plugin to integrate Google Analytics, code into WordPress blog. But accomplishing this task is very simple. Without using any plug-in you can very easily put your Google Analytics code to your blog or website.

Google Analytics recommends to add the code just after the opening body tags <body>. So, we will take that into consideration. You can also add the codes just before ending body tags </body>. The advantage in using the code just before </body> tag is that, it will not hinder the rendering of the page on slow internet connection.
  1. Login into Google Analytics.
  2. Navigate to Admin tab.
  3. Select to Account and Property values.
  4. From Property column click on Tracking Info and select Tracking Code. You will get your tracking code JavaScript here.
  5. Copy all the codes.

Google Analytics to WordPress

  1. Now, login into WordPress blog.
  2. Navigate to Appearance > Editor
  3. Select header.php or footer.php.
  4. Now, in case you header.php paste the copied tracking code just below <body> tag. In case of footer.php, you will find </body> tag at the bottom. Paste the Google Analytics tracking code just above the ending body tag, </body>.

Problem with above method

There is one very big drawback. Every time, you will update your template your codes will be gone. So, you are required to do this again if you have applied any update.

In case you have a custom made template, you may rely on this method. Because custom made template don't get regular updates.

how to add google analytics to wordpress
Add Google Analytics to WordPress
So, try using the text widget to avoid the error. Paste the codes, in any text widget and place it anywhere.

Author's Bio: Shubhashish Shukla (follow him) is the person behind Sector Techno (twitter, facebook), a technology blog. An always learning web developer.

Sunday 9 March 2014

How to learn PHP web development ?

| Sunday, March 09, 2014 | | Be first to comment!

PHP is a very popular language. Yet, it is the most easy to start with. In case you have no idea about the popularity of the language, let me tell you, Facebook is powered by PHP. Top CMS or Content Management Systems namely, WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc. are made using PHP and MySQL. Magento a very popular e-commerce framework, is made using PHP.

learn PHP web development
PHP web application on Sublime Text
So, it is quite clear. If you learn PHP web development,  you can rule the web. Create any type of application. PHP is open source, and has a vast external library that you can use, like PEAR package and frameworks like CodeIgnitor, CakePHP, Symphony, Zend, etc.

Prerequisite- What you need to know to learn PHP?

Any one can learn PHP. Even if you are from a non-programming background. Having previous knowledge of any programming language will just help you learn things quicker. You can skip basics, as they are always same in maximum programming languages.

  1. HTML - HTML is important to develop a web application. But to learn PHP, only a very basic understanding of HTML is sufficient.
  2. CSS - Again, CSS is important to make your web application look beautiful, but to learn PHP, it is not required at all.

Does that mean, I can go with PHP with very basic knowledge of HTML?

The answer is, Yes. But don't think that you can survive without HTML. Thinking that would be a pitfall.

Resources to learn PHP

Starting with HTML, CSS and PHP, before diving straight into it, start with getting familiar. The best way to learn basic HTML and CSS is nothing other than W3School.

So, now you have-
  2. - an online web development tutor.
  3. Books - Doesn't matter how many on-line portals you visit, to learn PHP you always need a book.

Books on PHP web development

I read two books to learn the basics. Beginning PHP 5.3 by Matt Doyle and Beginning PHP and MySQL: From Novice to Professional 4th Edition by W.Jason Gilmore. You can go for any of them, but to give a little more recommendation. Go for first book if you are from non-programming background and if you have a programming background then go for the later one to learn PHP.

PHP editor or PHP IDE

You need some program to edit your PHP codes. There are a number of IDE available for PHP like Aptana Studios, NetBeans, etc. But don;t go for any of it. All you need is a PHP Editor, go for Sublime Text. It is a PHP editor and is very light with code completion and syntax highlighting. That is all you need. No need to go for bulky IDE.

Video Tutorials on PHP

Web is full of tutorials on PHP. A great series is available on On YouTube, there is a channel named The New Boston they have a playlist of 200 videos that will cover almost everything.

PHP on Google Plus

Join PHP communities on Google Plus. This will help you a lot. You might encounter a number of problems while implementing PHP. But some times there will be errors, or logical problems that you may encounter. Just ask on these communities, all your queries will be answered. You can also ask in the comments below.

For any query related learning the language online or offline, please comment below. You'll get your queries answered ASAP.

Author's Bio: Shubhashish Shukla (follow him) is the person behind Sector Techno (twitter, facebook), a technology blog. An always learning web developer.

Friday 7 March 2014

5 Ways to Increase Traffic from Social Media to Your Site

| Friday, March 07, 2014 | | Be first to comment!

Hold your horses and saddle kitties because you are not going to get that much traffic from social media. The online “guru”, “experts”, “marketing companies” and articles are lying to you for their own ends. Facebook and their research affiliates have even run tests themselves, along with other independent groups, and the most commonly held belief is that Facebook only provides an 8% conversion rate that jumps up to 12% if you include mobile Facebooking.

Other social media sites are tiny in comparison to Facebook, with the leading competitor (Twitter) being only 25% the size and 25% as popular as Facebook. It is possible to increase your traffic direct from social media, but the increase is not going to turn your business around. Here are five ways to increase traffic from social media.

Get the influencers on your side

“Influencers” is a fairly new social media term and it means people on social media who have influence over others. The easiest to spot are those on YouTube who make funny posts or review things in a funny way and their subscribers go out and buy the stuff they just recommended. The most well known nest of influencers exists on Twitter, and that is evident by the fact that celebrities are jamming it up and are able to command people to go out and buy things via their influence on Twitter.

Help out other social media users 

It is a nice way of making friends with not just the person you are answering, but also the people who are also on the site. Plus, many times when a popular question is asked on social media then it appears on the Google search engine results too, so your top answer may get a lot more coverage than you know.

If a person asks, “Who’s the hot woman in black in this Iron Man 2 clip”, then tell him who she is (it was the sexy goddess Scarlett Johansson). Answer questions and people will pay attention to your profiles. If someone asks a question on LinkedIn then you can make a lot of friends by answering it correctly, and even on Facebook there are people who will monitor your profiles if you appear to know stuff that they want to know.

On social media platforms, users who are satisfied by your answer, usually check your profile. You can also gain some additional followers on Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, etc.

Use a social media posting tool 

If you have any sense then you already have a blog scheduling tool and an RSS feed scheduling tool. Now you should also have a social media network posting tool. There are two reasons for this, with the first being that at peak times you can make more impact but you cannot always be there to post so you can let your scheduling tool do it.

Secondly, you can write posts all day and plan them out for the whole week. You can plan them out, load them to your tool and have it post them out all week at the best times. You can even set up a routine so that people know when to look at your social media profile for the next posting.

Make it clear you are following the influencer 

You can go onto Twitter and follow a bunch of people and they will follow you back, but if you are going to try it on other social media networks, then follow the influencers. For example, on Facebook an influencer is going to have a lot of people looking at the profile, so it cannot hurt to have your profile next to a comment on there.

On YouTube you may also see what channels that other people are subscribed to, and you may show influencers that they are following them with the hopes that they will follow you. If you are going to follow or subscribe to an influencer, just try to make sure that he or she knows about it (for the best effect).

Have people come to you for information 

This is not as silly as it sounds when you consider that it is sometimes easier to ask a person on social media something obscure when you cannot find it on Google. The search engine results and other websites are not that great, and many times you find yourself scratching around for information that you know exists such as what was that epic episode of the X-Files called with the long single scene rolling shots? (Triangle, production cost over $2.5 million).

Now, imagine trying to Google such a question and you get stuck, but go onto Twitter or Facebook and ask an X-File expert and he may even tell you the that the episode had more than 18.20 million viewers which is ten times more than many TV shows available today. Be that person with the information and you will be called on online guru.

Author bio: The author of this article is Sonia J. She's from that helps students to choose the most reliable and professional essay writing service.